After working with Maccabi NL via Social Mediators (agency) for one month doing social media posts and flyers, they came to the realization that they needed to update their perceived image brand to be able to grow and expand their reach in the European region. Also Maccabi NL was about to head to the Maccabiah 2020 (postponed until further notice) so the timing was right. They needed to rebrand their organization. Lucky me, there I was at the right moment in the right place.

Here's a not-so-brief journey through the redesign process I did for Maccabi NL

Spoiler, they went with Option A
Here's an overview of the presentation I prepared for the board of directors so they could close in on a final option. I did the same for the 3 final options, but I'm not going to waste your data or time (they are literally the same but with options B and C).

Hope you enjoyed the journey through the whole rebranding process!